An Invitation to Become "Re-Enchanted With Life"
('The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.'-...
Do We Actually Want to Heal?
I recently had a confrontation with someone about something they'd done that upset me. The conversation, in short, was along the lines...
Chants from the Women's March: An Account of a Beautiful Day of Strength and Grace
Yesterday I attended the Women's March in Los Angeles. And it was an incredible, beautiful demonstration of strength and grace. I...
#MyFirst100Days: Join Me For A Practical Campaign to Build the World We Want Through Personal Respon
On January 20th, I begin a period I'm calling "My First 100 Days." 100 Days of my First Term as the true creator and master of my own...
Balancing The King, The Martyr, and The Tyrant: Reflections on 2016, Intentions for 2017 (May We Be
Friends, It is a tradition of mine at this time of year to look back on the year that was, reflect on what I've learned, and set my...
Here’s some ideas I’ve been considering for changing our electoral system. I sent this via my email list on Sunday, and have had some...
We haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of...
(This was written as an email to my email community the morning after the 2016 Presidential election.) I view it as my honor to get...